659 entanglement
(1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97)
Two requirements needed to understand the dynamics are to recognize the accounting entanglement trail 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 and to recognize that trails trump everything.
An accounting entanglement as the term is used here is confusion intentionally planted in the accounting. Whoever controls the accounting entanglement controls the people and assets that are entangled. Entanglements are used as a wedge and takeover tool and as cover. Small numbers are used to make the issue appear insignificant. The issue is not the amount. The issue is that they entangle . One indicator of their importance is the amount of effort gone to to prevent them from being recognized.
The simplest example is 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97. It was created by the CPA Joanne Barnes reporting different numbers to different entities when the numbers should be the same. In the Trust accounting the CPA reported 1,475.95 for the Court and 816.00 for the IRS when the numbers should be the same. In the Estate accounting she reported the difference of 659.97 to the Count and the IRS. If you can recognize the dynamics in 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 you can recognize the same dynamics in the far more complicated examples. Such as the other entanglements I am being framed with in Edward White's letter of May 19, 1992.
The accounting entanglement 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 can be used as a reality test:
(1) Does 1,475.97 less 816.00 equal 659.97? (yes)
(2) Did the Commissioner of Accounts approve these numbers? (yes)
(3) Does anyone recognize the accounting trail 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 or any accounting trail for any of these numbers? (no)
(4) If 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 is not recognized, does it still exist? (yes)
(5) If the messenger is killed does 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 still exist? (yes)
$545,820 disappears
(6) Was a cash payment of $545,820 made to the Estate on April 21, 1992? (yes)
(7) Was it recorded in the accounting? (no)
(8) Does anyone recognize that
it was not recorded? (no)
(9) If the $545,820 payment is not recognized was it still made? (yes)
(10) If the messenger is killed was the $545,820 payment still made? (yes)
(11) Is money supposed to disappear? (no)
(12) Do the accountants have approximately total control and approximately no accountability? (yes)
(13) Is the public powerless against them? (yes)
(1) The 659 entanglement is created by the CPA Joanne Barnes and the Attorney Edward White
(2) They frame the Trustee Anthony O'Connell with the 659 entanglement.
(3) The Trustee asks the Commissioner of Accounts for help with it in his 12th account. No Commisioner does not respond.
(4) The Trustee asks the Judges for help.
(5) The Commisioner responds with a Report to the Judges. The Report misrepresents the Trustee's 12th account and closes the Trust Account by altering the Trustee's 11th account.
(6) The Trustee files an Exceptions to the Commissioner's Report. The Exceptions disappears.
(7) The Trustee posts his web site http://www.canweconnectthedots.com to try to expose the accounting.
(8) The Trustee is sent Court Orders, Motions, and a summons.
(9) The Trustee is removed as Trustee.
* * *
(1) 1992.05.19 The Accountant's frame the Trustee with their 659 entanglement. (1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97)
"2. The K-1 filed by the Trust showed a payment of $816.00 in interest to the estate. You sent a check in the amount of $1475.97 to the estate. What was the remaining $659.97? Do I have this confused with the tax debt/credit situation which ran from the Third Accounting?"
(Attorney Edward White to Trustee, Anthony O'Connell)
(2) 1993.03.20 The Commissioner of Accounts approves the 659 entanglement.
The $816. 00 and the $659.97 items were approved by Commissioner of Accounts Jesse Wilson for the Estate on March 20, 1993:
"Int fm Harold O'Connell Trust ......................................... 816.00 "(Estate accounting at Book 467 page 192)
"Debt fm Harold O’Connell Trust ...................................... 659.97 "(Estate accounting at Book 467 page 192)
The $1,475.97 item was approved by Commissioner of Accounts Jesse Wilson for the Trust on October 4, 1993:
"Payable to the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell ... ... ... ... $ 1,475.97" (Trust accounting at Book 480 page 1768)
(3) 1999.08.09 The Trustee in his 12th account asks the Commissioner of Accounts Jesse Wilson, III, for help in exposing the 659 entanglement. The Commissioner does not respond)
1999.08.09 Anthony O'Connell to Jesse Wilson and Henry Mackall
(The Trust's Twelfth Court Account, covering the period from 1996.1.1 to 1996.12.31)
"A check for $63.00 is enclosed to file this Twelfth Account. This is not a Final Account.
The accounting for the Trust u/w of H. A. O'Connell was entangled with the accounting of the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell, fiduciary # 49160, by the CPA (firm) I hired and by the lawyer who is co-executor for the Estate:
Ms. Jo Anne Barnes, CPA (firm).
Bruner, Kane & McCarthy, Limited
700 North Fairfax
Alexandria, Virginia 22313
Mr. Edward White, Attorney and Co-Executor
P.0. Box 207
Kinsale, Virginia 22488 (Last known address)
Those who control the entanglements control the people and assets that are entangled. I have experienced the CPA-lawyer entanglements before and know it would be foolhardy to try to sell Accotink (my family's remaining real estate, B8845 p1444 and B8307 p1446) until all the entanglements are removed and the accountings are clear.
To keep this Twelth Account simple and clear I will only address one of the known entanglements. In short, the CPA (firm) did the Trust's Seventh Court Account in a manner that required me to pay the Estate $ 1,475.97. The lawyer discovers that this is $659.97 too much. I can't get the CPA (firm) or the lawyer to address this $659.97 debt much less pay it back. This one is easy to see because it is clearly stated in the beginning of the Estate accounting as a Debt from the Harold O'Connell Trust 659.97. If you review the attached pages 1 through 17 that are part of this Twelfth Account you may notice that:
- The lawyer unilateraly hires the CPA into the Estate (page 1).
- The lawyer will seek my sister's approval to sue me if I don't file the Trust's Seventh Court Account early (page 1). The combined advice of the CPA(firm) and the lawyer force me to file it approximately eighteen months earlier than the Commissioner's scheduled date of October 20, 1993, because I cannnot convince my sister, Jean Nader, that their combined advice is wrong (pages 5,6 and 7). This places the filing of the Trust Account before the filing of the Estate Tax Return that is due on June 15, 1992. This makes it easier to entangle the Trust accounting with the Estate Tax Return accounting and make it appear to my family that the estate was damaged by my management of the Trust.
- The lawyer's letter of April 22, 1992 lists a Debt from the Harold O'Connell Trust 659.97 (page 3) even though I do not sign or submit the Trust's Seventh Court Account that created the $659.97 debt until May 11, 1992 (page 8). The lawyer's letter of May 19, 1992 makes it appear that he doesn’t know what this $659.97 is about and that it is my fault (pages 9 and 10).
- This $659.97 debt is reported to the IRS (page 16 ). But when I ask the lawyer and CPA (firm) about this $659.97 debt they avoid it (page 15), don't know what I'm talking about (text box on page 16), or don't respond (page 17).
Do any of you have the power to compel the CPA (firm) and the lawyer to:
1. Explain why they created this $659.97 debt.
2. Explain why I am made to appear responsible for it.
3. Show exactly where this $ 659.97 debt is now.
4. Pay the $ 659.97 back from the estate to the trust.
5. Do it without inflicting anymore cost and conflict on any member of my family.
I want to keep this simple but you have to understand that the CPA (firm) and the lawyer avoid accountability by using a trusting family member, with no accounting background, such as my sister, Jean Nader, co-executor, to cover for them. Please note the advice that the lawyer expects Jean Nader to rely upon in his letter of April 22, 1992. Jean Nader is innocent and is being used. She does not understand that she is being used. She is not responsible for what the CPA (firm) and the lawyer did. She did not do the accounting. I did not do the accounting. The CPA (firm) and lawyer did the accounting. They will use Jean Nader again and again and again. She has been led to believe that keeping estate accountings a secrect is being loyal to our mother (which makes me appear disloyal). You have to go around Jean Nader to compel the CPA (firm) and the lawyer to be accountable. Please; positively, absolutely, completely, and without exception, do not allow the CPA (firm) and the lawyer to inflict anymore cost and conflict on any member of my family. If you don't have the power to compel the the CPA (firm) and the lawyer to expose and remove the entanglements they created, please understand how I can't.
I would appreciate any effort you might make. Thank you.
(No response from Commisioner's Office)
(4 ) 2000.07.24 The Trustee asks the Judges for help in exposing the accounting .
A CPA-lawyer fraud operation stole money from the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell. I would like to (1) find out how much money they stole, (2) recover the stolen money, and (3) free the real estate from their controlling accounting entanglements. Because they use an innocent family member to unwittingly carry out their agenda, the traditional paths of justice through the Court won't work. The direct intervention of a Judge is the last hope in the system. If you could (1) protect all the member's of Jean M. O'Connell's family from further damage, and (2) compel a 100% true and complete financial disclosure of her Estate, with one hard copy in my hands, you could expose an otherwise untouchable fraud operation.
to the Judges of the Nineteenth Circuit Court) (Copy to Joanne Barnes, Edward White, Allison May, Jesse Wilson, Henry Mackall, Peter Arntson, SEC, IRS, the Virginia Bar, Jean Nader and Sheila O'Connell)
(5) 2000.08.08 The Commissioner of Accounts Jesse Wilson, III, responds with his Report to the Judges. The Report closes the Trust Account by making the Trustee's 11th account of April 24, 1995, a "final account". The Trustee's "This is not a Final Account" on the Trustee's 11th account is changed by the Commissioner to read "This is a Final Account" but the Commissioner does not initial or date his change. The Report misrepresents the Trustee's 12th account by including parts of it as "Exhibits" and taking those parts out of context. The Commissioner is not supposed to conceal accounting or frame or attack the Trustee for trying to expose it.
2000.08.08 (Jesse Wilson's Report to the Judges)
"To the Honorable Judges of Said Court:
RE: Estate of Harold A. OConnell, Trust
Fiduciary No. 21840
1. By a Tenth Account duly filed herein and approved by the undersigned on August 25, 1995, the trustee herein, Anthony M. 0'Connell, properly accounted for all of the remaining assets reported as being assets of the trust created by the will of Harold OConnell and reported a zero balance on hand. A copy of said account is filed herewith as Exhibit 1.
2. By an Eleventh Account, Anthony M. OConnell, trustee, again reported zero assets on hand and no receipts or disbursements. A copy of said account is filed herewith as Exhibit 2.
3. Both the Tenth and Eleventh accounts carried the notation "This is not a final account".
4. In the ordinary case, an account which shows the distribution of all remaining assets is filed as a Final Account, and its approval terminates the fiduciary's responsibility to the Court and permits the Commissioner of Accounts to close the file.
5. The said trustee has also filed a Twelfth Account in which he reports as an asset $659.97 "due from the Estate of Jean M. OConnell". A copy of that "account" is enclosed herewith as Exhibit 3.
6. The Estate of Jean M. OConnell, deceased, Fiduciary No. 49160, was closed in the Commissioner of Accounts office after approval of a Final Account on May 31, 1994.
7. The said $659.97 was the subject of correspondence between the said trustee and Edward J. White, attorney and co-executor of the estate of Jean M. OConnell, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits 4 and 5. In his letter,
Exhibit 5, the trustee explains that the $659.97 is part of a net income payment of $1,475.97 which the trust owed the estate of Jean M. OConnell. In that same letter, the trustee states that "At this point in time, I believe Mr. Balderson and I are of one mind that the estate does not owe the trust and the trust does not owe the estate".
Mr. Balderson was a CPA for the estate. Both of these letters were provided to the Commissioner of Accounts by the trustee in support of his "Twelfth Account".
8. The trustee also provided the Commissioner with a copy of a page from a "Jean M. OConnell estate tax analysis" which shows $659.97 under "Assets" of that estate as "Debt from Harold OConnell Trust". A copy of that page is attached as Exhibits 6.
From a review of this information the Commissioner finds that there is no evidence to support an assertion by the trustee that the $659.97 is an asset of the trust. To the contrary, it appears that either it is not a debt at all, or, from the estate's point of view, it was money owed by the trust to the estate, i.e. an asset of the estate of Jean M. OConnell. That estate has been closed for more that six years.
Accordingly, the foregoing Eleventh Account of Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee has been marked a "Final Account" by the undersigned and is hereby approved as a Final Account in the trust under the will of Harold A. OConnell and is filed herewith.
In the event that the trustee is successful in recovering $659.97 or any other funds which are proper trust assets to be accounted for, such may be reported to the Commissioner of Accounts by an Amended Inventory and, thereafter, accounted for by proper accounts.
GIVEN under my hand this 8th day of August, 2000.
Respectfully submitted,
Jesse B. Wilson, III
Commissioner of Accounts
Fairfax County, Virginia
Enc.: Exhibits, 1 - 6
cc: Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee"
(See the exhibits in the pdf reference)
(From the Commissioner of Accounts Report to the Judges)
* * *
Question: Which is true? Is the Report to the Judges above true, or is the accounting below approved by Commissioner of Accounts Jesse Wilson, III, true?
The $1,475.97 item was approved by Commissioner Jesse Wilson on October 4, 1993:
"Payable to the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell ... ... ... ... $ 1,475.97" (Trust account at bk480 p1768)
The $816. 00 and the $659.97 items were approved by Commissioner Jesse Wilson on March 20, 1993:
"Int fm Harold O'Connell Trust ......................................... 816.00 "(Estate account at bk467p191)
"Debt fm Harold O’Connell Trust ...................................... 659.97 "(Estate account at bk467p191)
This is the Trustee's actual 12th account: 12th , 12th22p
This is the Commisioner's Report of it to the Judges: report12th , report12th20p
(6) 2000.08.23 The Trustee files an Exception to Commission's Report. The Exceptions disappears.
My Exceptions to the Commissioner's Report for the Trust was accepted by the Court on August 23, 2000. It contains a copy of the actual 12th trust account and a copy of the Commissioner's Report of it to the Judges. Please compare the actual 12th account with the Report of it to the Judges.
I don't understand why my Exceptions to the Commissioner's Report disappeared after it was accepted by the Court. Can this document's trail be followed?
(7) 2012.03.31 The Trustee post his web site http://www.canweconnectthedots.com to try to expose the accounting. http://www.canweconnectthedots.com/4d2p/home.html addresses the 659 entanglement.
"The purpose of this web site is to try to get the attention of a just power with a background in accounting, who would do whatever it takes to expose the accounting trails of the CPA Joanne Barnes and the Attorney Edward White (hereafter referred to as "the accountants") at Book 467 page 191 (pdf) in the public record, and find out where the money (pdf) went."
(8) 2012.09.04 Trustee sent Summos stating that the Trustee be removed. It is prepared by the law firm of BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH and uses our innocent sister Jean Mary Nader O'Connell to sign it.
"31. Anthony's repeated and unsuccessful challenges to the rulings of the Commissioner of Accounts and the Circuit Court in connection with the Eleventh Account , and his persistence in pursuing his unfounded claims to the present day, demonstrate that he is unable to administer the Harold Trust effectively and reliably."
29. On August 8, 2000, an Eleventh Account for the Harold Trust was approved by the Commissioner of Accounts for the Circuit Court of Fairfax County and determined to be a final account. **
30. Anthony repeatedly and unsuccessfully challenged the Commissioner's determination and requested, inter alia, that the Court and the Commissioner of Accounts investigate a debt of $659.97 that he alleged was owed to the Harold Trust by Mrs. O'Connell's estate. In these proceedings, the Commissioner stated, and the court agreed, that there was no evidence to support Anthony's claims that a debt existed and, if so, that it was an asset of the Harold Trust.***
31. Anthony's repeated and unsuccessful challenges to the rulings of the Commissioner of Accounts and the Circuit Court in connection with the Eleventh Account , and his persistence in pursuing his unfounded claims to the present day, demonstrate that he is unable to administer the Harold Trust effectively and reliably. ***
32. It is in the best interests of the beneficiaries of the Harold Trust that, upon the sale of the Property, the net sale proceeds be distributed in an orderly and expedient manner. Based on Anthony's actions, he is not the proper individual to fulfill the trustee's duties in administering the Harold Trust.****
33. The removal of Anthony as trustee best serves the interests of the beneficiaries of the Harold Trust."
* * *
Question: What is the ruling on the following?
The $1,475.97 item was approved by Commissioner Jesse Wilson on October 4, 1993:
"Payable to the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell ... ... ... ... $ 1,475.97" (Trust account at bk480 p1768)
The $816. 00 and the $659.97 items were approved by Commissioner Jesse Wilson on March 20, 1993:
"Int fm Harold O'Connell Trust ......................................... 816.00 "(Estate account at bk467p191)
"Debt fm Harold O’Connell Trust ...................................... 659.97 "(Estate account at bk467p191)
(9) 2013.07.03 B&K law firm informs Anthony O'Connell and Sheila O'Connell that Jean O'Connell Nader has replaced Anthony O'Connell as Trustee:
Dear Ms. Shevenell and Mr. O'Connell:
This firm is representing your sister Jean O'Connell Nader in her capacity as Successor
Trustee under the Land Trust Agreement dated October 16, 1992.
(From B&K law firm letter of July 3, 2013, to Anthony OConnell and Sheila OConnell)
B&K2013july3 (This is against the law of contracts)
B&K-judge78p (This is against the law of contracts)
* * *
Please judge for yourself. Does it look as if the accountant's shut me out because they don't want their accountings exposed? Did they use an innocent family member to carry out their agenda of creating a cover of confusion and conflict and make it appear as if it came from the family? Has the accounting at bk467p191 been concealed since 1993? Have the beneficiares, the Testator's family, our Mother's family, been irreversable destroyed as a family to keep accountings concealed?