"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> accounting|fraud



This is a secret. It shouldn't be -

  • The CPA Joanne L. Barnes (SN 579-44-3240, EIN 541040148?) and the Attorney Edward J. White, make money disappear.
  • They protect themselves by dividing and disempowering the family they victimize. They make it appear as if the family tore itself apart over money.
  • They use
  • The only tool they need is your trust. It is fiduciary rape.




To expose accounting fraud it is necessary to expose the accounting. In twenty-three (23) years not one member of the establishment has tried to expose their accounting. They are protected. The public is not.

The CPA Joanne L. Barnes, the Attorney Edward J. White, and their collaborators, make money disappear. Their signature cover is to divide and disempower the family they victimize. They use a trusting family member to carry out their covert advice so it appears as if the wedges they plant in the family come from the family. They make it appear that the family tore itself apart over money.

They are insulated beyond imagination. In twenty-three (23) not one authority has tried to expose their accounting or tried to stop them from using our trusting fear driven sister from being used (JEAN NADER, 350 Fourth Avenue, New Kensington, Pennsylvania, 15068, Tel 724 337-7537).

No authority will confront them. They are here to stay. No one will protect you against them. The only way you can protect your family is to learn to recognize the patterns before it is too late. Never buy their agenda of secrecy between family members. Secrecy is fatal to the family and essential to them.

To find out where money went it is necessary to follow the money trails. To find out where documents went it is necessary to follow the document trails. To find out where medicine went it is necessary to follow the medicine trails. There is no other way. Trails are the empirical evidence. If you are not completely convinced that the actual trails have to be exposed and recognized, such as $1,475.97 - $816.00 = $659.97 (intentional plant confusion) and $545,820.43 - $26,917.17 = $518,903.26 ($518,903.26 disappears), before fair judgments can be made, and that trails trump everything, please stop now.

Signature pattern

The signature pattern of the CPA Joanne L. Barnes (SN 579-44-3240, EIN 541040148?) and the Attorney Edward J. White, is to make money disappear and protect themselves by dividing and dis empowering the family they victimized. They make it appear as if the family tore itself apart over money. The only tool they need is your trust. It is fiduciary rape.

They use a trusting family member to carry out their covert advice so it appears as if the wedges they plant in the family come from the family. They make it appear that the family tore itself apart over money. It appears to be the perfect cover. No one looks past that to expose the accounting.

They are insulated beyond imagination. In twenty-three (23) years not one establishment person has tried to expose their accounting or tried to stop them from using our trusting, fear driven sister from being used (Jean O'Connell Nader, 350 Fourth Avenue, New Kensington, Pennsylvania, 15068, Tel 724 337-7537 ). Not one. No authority will confront them. No one will protect you against them. The only way you can protect your family is to learn to recognize the patterns before it is too late.

Never, never, buy their instructions to keep their covert instructions to you a secret from other family members. Secrecy is fatal to the family and essential to the fraudsters. If all the members of your family insists on sunshine, the fraudsters will disappear.

Illegal takeover of Accotink and Farm
after I tried to expose the accounting at bk467p191
by posting http://www.canweconnectthedots.com

I was Trustee for Accotink but could not get anyone in the Court to recognize the 1992 deed for Accotink at http://www.book8307page1446deed.com , or say why it should not be recognized. I tried for 23 years. This blocked me from selling Accotink and forced me to pay the real estate taxes until I ran out of money.

The Court should have sold Accotink for back taxes in a public tax sale and sent the proceeds to the Trustee. The Trustee would distribute the proceeds to the beneficiaries and close the Trust. This is the usual and customary procedure. But the Director of DTA (Department of Tax Administration) Greenlief, Kevin C. <Kevin.Greenlief@fairfaxcounty.gov> did not have a tax sale.

Several months after I tried to expose the accounting at bk467p191 by posting http://www.canweconnectthedots.com , Director Greenlief had a law firm use an illegal lien to takeover my farm in Highland County, Virginia.

Our trusting sister in Pennsylvania was used to take control of Accotink. Not one item in the "Complaint" they had her sign is true http://www.chiefjudgesmith.com/complaint/complaint.html . Please compare Chief Judge Smith's Order of January 25, 2013, approving this "complaint" in it's entirity, with contract law, such as all or none of a contract (The 1992 Trust Agreement) applies. It requires a huge paradine shift. Why does Judge Smith not recognize the 1992 Trust Deed at all? Why does Judge Smith not recognize my eighteen responses to the "complaint"?

They are dangerous. I've lost my family, my community, my reputation, my health, my farm in Highland County, my trust property of 15 acres in Fairfax County (which was my livelihood and in which I had infested my life savings and inheritance and 20 years of work), for trying to expose their accounting for the past 23 years. If someone from the establishment doesn't expose the accounting at bk467p191 soon, and stop our family from being used, I'm dead.

Getting your head around this requires a large paradigm shift (Change in assumptions).







Twenty-three (23) years of coverup suggests the establishment to expose the accounting or stop our of coverup suggest i don't know why the establishment allows this accounting fraud to continue to operate with impunity?

Twenty-three (23) years of establishment coverup suggests without an attempt by the establishment to expose the accounting or stop our of coverup suggest i don't know why the establishment allows this accounting fraud to continue to operate with impunity?


The public should know how this accounting fraud wotks . The establishmewnt is not going to stop this accounting fraud and they are not going to tell the public how it works. The public should know how it works.



Is there anyone in the establishment


Why does the establishment choose to cover this up?


Why is this covered up?